QDB: quality in database

14th International Workshop on Quality in Databases (QDB’25)

at the 51st VLDB conference on September 1, 2025, London, UK

About | News | Schedule | Important Dates | CfP | Submission | Accepted Papers | Invited Speakers | People

Quality in Databases

Data quality has been a major concern of organizations for decades, leading to the introduction of standards and quality frameworks. Recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI), e.g., generative AI, have brought data quality (DQ) back into the spotlight. In enterprises, it is particularly important to build data ecosystems that can cope with the emerging challenges posed by AI-based systems. Data quality has been tackled from different perspectives: the database community has made significant advances in data profiling and data cleaning and still focuses on DQ issues like duplicate detection or missing data handling; the information systems community provides solutions for addressing DQ at an organizational level; the machine learning (ML) community focuses mainly on the development of robust models that can deal with issues in the data. We want to build upon the success of QDB 23 and QDB 24 and continue offering an open format for joint discussions between different communities on the future of DQ assessment and improvement.

The program will consist of contributed talks on accepted papers and a keynote from academia or industry.


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Important Dates
Submission deadline: May 16, 2025, 5pm Pacific Time
Submission website: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/QDB2025
Notification of acceptance: June 20, 2025
Final papers due: July 8, 2025
Workshop: Monday, September 1, 2025

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Call for papers

This workshop aims to exchange novel ideas and best practices about data quality assessment and improvement in the era of AI. The event should unite experienced and senior-level data quality researchers with junior researchers and PhD students. We specifically expect junior researchers to benefit, since they get to meet the community and continue high-quality research on data quality. The suggested topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Foundational DQ methods and assessment

AI/ML-specific data quality

Implementation and process optimization

We appreciate submissions on all these topics for different domains (e.g., healthcare, mobility, production) and for various types of data (e.g., graphs, time series).

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Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished full research papers and demo descriptions that are not being considered for publication in any other forum. Please submit your paper as a PDF using Microsoft's QDB CMT site. You need to append the category tag as a suffix to the title of the paper such as “Data Management in the Year 3000 [Regular]”; “Spatial Database System [Demo]”. This must be done both in the paper file and in the CMT submission title. The suffix will not be part of the camera-ready copy if the paper is accepted.

It is the authors' responsibility to ensure that their submissions adhere to the format detailed here . In particular, it is not allowed to modify the format with the objective of squeezing in more material. Submissions that do not comply with the formatting will be rejected without review. Note that the limit of up to 6 pages (including all figures, tables, and references) must be followed for both full papers and demos.

Accepted papers will be distributed via vldb.org.

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Invited Speakers
Organization / People
Program Chairs:
Sourav S Bhowmick (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Lisa Ehrlinger (Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, Germany)
Lorena Etcheverry (Universidad de la República, Uruguay)
Hazar Harmouch (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Steering Committee:
Ihab Ilyas (University of Waterloo, USA)
Felix Naumann (Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, Germany)

Program Committee:

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